ur nursery is specialised in succulent and dry areas plants from Africa, Arabian Peninsula and Indian Ocean's islands.
It is to make you discover this diversity, that Afroplants has chosen to distribute a selection of genera and species. Offering plants is a real investigative work in order to meet the ever changing amateurs demand, and our own curiosity. Thus, our stock comes from several sources:
Our seeds are coming mainly from suppliers reputed for their seriousness. A growing part is also coming from the controlled pollination of our mother plants. And at last, a small amount comes from reasoned collections made during our travels.
It is the way of multiplying plants that do little or no fruit like certain Adenia, Cissus, Euphorbia…, or to keep identical a plant whose foliage, flowers are appreciated, or which comes from a precise locality like Aloe, Adromischus, Gasteria…
Commonly performed for Cactaceae, but rarely with succulents, it remains the only way to reproduce some recalcitrant genera such as Ceraria namaquensis, some Euphorbia and other Asclepiadaceae.
We are a mail order company only.
Regarding the small size and type of our infrastructure, we are not able to accept visits.
However, you can meet us twice a year, for the autumn and spring fairs in the Algarve.